
Türkiye'deki Matematiksel Etkinlikler

21 Ocak 2025 Salı, 18:00

Feza Gürsey Fizik ve Matematik UAM FGC Yüksek Yapılar Seminerleri

The weakly globular approach to higher categories

Simona Paoli
The University of Aberdeen, Birleşik Krallık

Abstract: Higher categories are motivated by naturally occurring examples in diverse areas of mathematics, including homotopy theory, mathematical physics, logic and computer sciences. Several different approaches exist to formalize the notion of a higher category. In this talk I will give an overview of an approach to model 'truncated' higher categories: namely those having higher morphisms in dimensions 0 up to n only. These arise naturally in homotopy theory, in modelling the building blocks of topological spaces, called n-types.

Classically, in a higher category we have sets of objects and sets of higher morphisms. This is also called 'globularity condition' as it is the condition that gives rise to the globular shape of the higher morphisms in a higher category. Instead, in the so called weakly globular approach I have introduced, the objects and the higher morphism do not form a set but a structure only equivalent (in a higher dimensional sense) to a set. We call this 'weak globularity condition'.

One advantage of this approach is that it is possible to model a weak n-category using a rather rigid structure, namely an n-fold category satisfying additional conditions. These are the weakly globular n-fold categories. I will mention some applications of these structures to homological algebra, as well as a link between weak globularity and the notion of weak units in the case n=2. I will conclude with some conjectures for general dimension n.

Given the highly technical nature of this work, and in the interest of making the talk broadly accessible, I will concentrate on the main ideas and intuitions, but more details can be found in the references below:

About weakly globular n-fold categories:

·       S. Paoli, Simplicial Methods for Higher Categories: Segal-type Models of Weak n-Categories, Algebra and Applications 26, Springer (2019).

·       S. Paoli, D. Pronk, A double categorical model of weak 2-categories, Theory and Application of categories, 28, (2013), 933-980.

About weak globularity and weak units:

·       S. Paoli, Weakly globular double categories and weak units, arXiv:2008.11180 (2024).

 An application of weakly globular n-fold categories to homological algebra.

·       D. Blanc, S. Paoli, A model for the Andre-Quillen cohomology of an (\infty,1)-category, arXiv:2405.12674 (2024).

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Cebirsel Topoloji İngilizce

fgc 18.01.2025

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